Ya know how when you change one thing in a room, you're prompted to change the whole room? That's what happened to me a few weeks ago in the laundry room. I found a light fixture on the ground at the Rose Bowl Flea Market and couldn't wait to take down the old one and install the new one. There wasn't much to change in my really small laundry, but it inspired me to change other stuff in other rooms, so I did literally nonstop.
Here's the old laundry chandelier pretty much the same as I found it about 10 years ago -
Here's the one I'm lovin today - quite a difference I'd say. Ooops, took the photo before I added a really old long pull chain -
So this change started some more rethinking around the house and I pretty much went thru every room and closet movin out all the things that are on my long list of things I walk by and say 'this has to go.' I try to remove things the first time I say that but I don't, I wait till I absolutely can't stand it anymore, why? I don't know.
Then I hit my stash in the storage, yard, and garage and I made HUGE decisions on everything I have been storing, hoarding, and saving to repair, paint, part out or whatever - and I decided to let go of tons - so we're loading up and letting go. That is big for me, really big. So here we go... all that plus the Chandeliers and lighting that we are creating today and love love love -
That started a couple of weeks ago, and we've been working our buttinskys off everyday preparing, loading up the trailer and and we're almost completely ready - and it feels so good. I've been on a thrifting shopping spree for so many years now that my style has somewhat changed and all the GREAT stuff I won't be using anymore is going to the Flea Market on the beach this Sunday.
As you can imagine we're beat up, I messed up my shoulder lifting things I shouldn't have, like cement statues and pots { dummy me } and I've been popping pain pills because I just didn't want to stop.
We're almost done and ready to go - Sunday 4 am.
Couldn't help but snap a photo of my favorite little gate while taking a much needed break with Mr Beachy and a Costco chicken.

Jennifer & Ryan have set the date June 26, 2010! Last Saturday afternoon I got my first treasured moment being Mother of the Bride when Jen and I went wedding gown shopping. As unbelievable as it sounds - we both knew the very first dress she tried on was the one. Can you believe it? She tried on several more so we could be ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE, and we were - it's perfect for her and her dream wedding, and she looks amazing in it.
She's so happy and so am I.
See you at the Flea Market - you'll find us beach side...
Later -